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index >find vehicle report

Find Vehicle Report


The find vehicle report is used to determine which vehicles were in an area at a given time. The report can be used in two ways:

The report is often used to answer queries from the Police. It can also be used for lost property queries.

See also: Route Map Report.

Information required

Select the fleet (1) then enter one or two addresses (2). The addresses need to be addresses that Google Maps recognises. If two addresses are given a vehicle must have been near both addresses in the period given to be included in the report. Enter the maximum distance to be used to determine if a vehicle is to be included in the report - any car that is within that distance of either addresses will be a candidate for the report (3). Finally select a start and end date/time for the report (4).

setup screen


The report lists the vehicles that met the criteria given. A map is drawn showing the path taken by each vehicle. Use the Route Map report to find out more information about the route taken by a vehicle.

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